Sunday, September 25, 2016

Painting Studio has been Unlocked!!!

"Captain Choice-Art" is well on it's way to being in full swing. Students have been learning about each studio and this last week was the Painting Studio. Here are some 5th graders working on their challenges. Feel free to leave comments to let us know you've visited our Captain Art Studio Blog.


Saturday, September 10, 2016

Students 1st-5th Grade are Earning Badges to Open the Drawing Studio and Collage Studio

1st - 5th grade students have been working diligently to earn their badges for the studios. Once a student earns a badge, it "unlocks" the studio for them, allowing them to work freely in that studio. The goal is for all students to earn all of the badges. So far most of us have earned the badge that unlocks the Drawing Studio. This week we are working toward unlocking the Collage Studio. As the students "unlock" a studio, they learn how to locate and use the tools of that studio. Students will also practice many common techniques of that medium. Next will be the Painting Studio, pictures to come soon.

Kindergarteners at Work!

Our first big project took us three BIG art days! Day one, we drew our first self portrait of kindergarten. Day 2 we learned to paint, wash our paintbrushes before switching colors. We learned to pull and drag the paintbrush across the paper to paint our lines and shapes. Finally, day 3, we used our scissors and glue to glue ourselves to our painted background and then we created small shaped confetti.